Friday, July 16, 2010


Dear Friends and Family,

As I write this letter we are in the beautiful city of Kaluga!  It is so good to be back in this place serving with an amazing church and team!
Last night we had a first concert and many teens from the city came out to the show.  I met two girls that were Christians who were so excited to meet us. As we spoke they told me that they felt a burden on their hearts to pray for a spiritual revival in the city. It was so encouraging to see two beautiful Russian teens that were so devoted to serve the Lord and spread the love of God. Another huge blessing was that we were able to rent a venue in the heart of the city. For prior outreaches, the halls we rented were a 20 minute bus ride from the city. Please pray that the Lord continues to bring out teens that are yearning for truth.

The last few days have been bitter sweet. We had a great orphanage visit with the Starista (country) orphanage after our Tver outreach, but we also had to say good-bye to dear friends from NJ. The kids were so excited to see us again. It brought tears to my eyes when Pastor Bruce asked the orphans what Jesus did for them  and they answered “He died for our sins,”  before he had the chance to tell them! These orphans have been visited continually for the past four years by CCCPM and they definitely have an understanding of the Lord’s love for them. What a blessing to see!

It was sad saying good-bye to our close friends in the Jesus Fellowship team. They were so wonderful to work with in Tver and we miss them dearly. They have such servant’s hearts and it was so apparent that they wanted to reach out to the lost in Tver. It was really encouraging that after our last concert night a couple of different teens said that they wanted to attend Max’s church! One of them, named Dema, even came and visited the orphanage with us! Praise the Lord!

Shannon (Taylor) Whitten & Crew!

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