Friday, June 17, 2011

The Anticipation of the Unknown

  40 Week Belly

"So anything happening?" My Dad answered frantically as he picked up the phone. This has become the norm for most phone calls from our family members. I replied with what I knew would produce disappointment, "Nope, baby seems to be staying put today," I said, rubbing my big belly as I rocked back in forth in the glider I will soon spend hours on with my son.

Today, June 17th, is my due date.  The longing for this day has been my primary focus for the last 8 1/2 months. Now the day has arrived and I find myself pleasantly content while waiting for this life changing day. It is funny that in our planned out society there are still elements out of our control.  The day I meet my son will be one of the greatest of my life, yet I have no say in when that day comes.

Lately, while making any plans I am quick to say "sounds great, unless of course the baby comes." It is impossible for me to plan anything without this disclaimer. This baby has become my main focus and captor of my thoughts. Despite the fact I have not even met him yet, the excitement and joy I experience because of him is overwhelming.  Every morning I wake and think "maybe today is the day I will meet my son!" Even at the end of the day, when I realize I will have to wait to see what tomorrow offers, the thought that I am a little closer to meeting my son is exciting.

Living in this state of mind, "sounds great, unless of course the baby comes," has given mr a perspective of the Lord's return I never had before. He is coming back, the time (contrary to Harold Camping's claims) is complete unknown to all. Yet  I should wake up thinking, "maybe today Christ will return," and go to bed thinking "tomorrow I am a day closer to His return."

It was hard for me personally, before this last month of pregnancy, to understand how to truly anticipate the unknown with an attitude of excitement.  Now since my life is in this constant state it is easy to see the outlook we should have as believers.  In a world where all the great moments of our life are carefully planned out and organized, it is beautiful and freeing to truly relish in the anticipation of the unknown.


  1. you are amazing. I love your blogs. I am also unbiased. You are a supermodel and I am madly in love with you.
